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During 2023, Fertaid and IVFCPD will be merged.
QAPonline and your Society or Organisation.
In 2012, QAPonline has created the potential to develop links to individual societies or organisations allowing subscriptions to be completed with a simple pre-set code. There are several possibilities that may arise from this capability.
A Society or Organisation may wish to
1. negotiate with QAPonline to provide a discount to subscriptions by their members. This would be a service to their members.
2. negotiate with QAPonline a rebate to the society for each of their members subscriptions. This would be a form of revenue to the society.
3. negotiate with QAPonline a set of society specific EQA schemes that better reflect their aims and working conditions. This may form part of their competency or certification programs. For instance a medical society or a clinical laboratory may wish to develop a series of programs to improve the education and training of its members in areas not normally associated with quality assurance.
All subscriptions would be totally transparent.
This procss may provide a method whereby an organisation or supplier may be able to provide sponsorship, support or assistance to their customers.
QAPonline aim is to provide individuals with the tools to ensure their visual or other skills are of the highest professional order and competency.
Please contact QAPonline to further discuss this capability or raise this with your society executives..

Dr James Stanger PhD


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