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Single Sperm Assessment
-Assess SPERM A and indicate if each sperm is normal
Describe the morphology of the sperm head.
Describe the morphology of the sperm midpiece
Describe the morphology of the sperm tail.
This is a question about sperm maturity. Describe the Cytoplasmic Droplet Status of the Sperm.
Describe the appearance of the acrosomal region
Is spermatozoon A normal?
Is spermatozoon B normal?
Is spermatozoon C normal?
Is spermatozoon E normal
Is spermatozoon D normal?
QAPonline does more than just require a value , it provides additional questions as a learning tool to help participants modify their visual assessment skills.
As you can see, there is often considerable variation in how participants respond to the same images. Imagine if this variation was the same as existed in your laboratory. How will this influence your pregnancy rates. More importantly, how your your clients appreciate their clinical outcome may be subject to such variation.
But I am already enrolled in a EQA.
This is frequently given as a reason for not subscribing. QAPonline is unique in provided in depth assessment of your staff on an ongoing basis. It is recommended that you clinic enroll in both your local EQA AND QAPonline.
Describe the morphology of the sperm head.
Normal Head:: 0/0
Small Acrosomal Area in Head:: 0/0
Round Head:: 0/0
Pyriform Head:: 0/0
Amorphous Head:: 0/0
Vacuolated Head:: 0/0
Tapered Head:: 0/0
Cannot be determined.:: 0/0
Elongated:: 0/0
Head reduced in size:: 0/0
Describe the morphology of the sperm midpiece
Normal Midpiece:: 0/0
Bent Neck:: 0/0
Asymetrical Insertion:: 0/0
Thick Midpiece:: 0/0
Thin Midpiece:: 0/0
Cannot be determined:: 0/0
Describe the morphology of the sperm tail.
Normal Sperm Tail:: 0/0
Short Sperm Tail:: 0/0
Bent Sperm Tail:: 0/0
Coiled Sperm Tail:: 0/0
Cannot be determined:: 0/0
This is a question about sperm maturity. Describe the Cytoplasmic Droplet Status of the Sperm.
Cytoplasmic Droplet absent:: 0/0
Cytoplasmic Droplet present but less than 1/3 of area:: 0/0
Cytoplasmic Droplet present but more than 1/3 of area:: 0/0
Cannot be determined.:: 0/0
Describe the appearance of the acrosomal region
The acrosomal region appears normal:: 0/0
The acrosomal region appears reduced in size:: 0/0
The acrosomal region is not visible or absent.:: 0/0
The acrosomal region cannot be assessed.:: 0/0