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QAPonline Subscribers IF you have a current QAPonline Logon and Password, it is better to use these and access FertAids News and Education Services from within QAPonline than create a new logon. In this way, your activities can be part of your Laboratories Professional Development programme. Go to QAPonline

Information About FertAid Mail
FertAid Mail is a new initiative that seeks to deliver a regular digest of links to recent new items, recent publications and product information. Most ART scientists are busy and often poorly resourced. FA Mail aims to provide a simple and effective way of allowing them to keep in touch with the critical information flow expected.
If you are not a registered users of FertAid, them you can join here - all you need to provide is a name (or username) and an email address. You can access the mail list and unsubscribe at any time.
However, if you are a registered user of FertAid, then it is better to subscribe after you have logged on. This is because each link you access, is logged against your user name and exists as a record for your professional development log of at least having visited specific journal sites. It is always available to return to the link in the future if you need to revisit the publication or link.
If you are already a subscriber to QAPonline, you can join the mail group from within the FertAid Logon. This is a better option.
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