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DISCPLINES: Embryology Andrology Ultrasound Endocrinology
Information on QA Scheme: Pronuclear Assessment-2018
Comment = A scheme to QA the assessment status of day 1 human embryos using the modified criteria described by Scott(modified). The Z score used by Scott has been expanded to generate a normally distributed value for QA purposes.
Number of enrollments =55 [* This indicates only the number of enrollments. Not all participants will have completed the scheme]
List of QA Issues (or Instalments)
Code Title Available from
HEB2024.01 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/1/2024
HEB2024.02 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/2/2024
HEB2024.03 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/3/2024
HEB2024.04 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/4/2024
HEB2024.05 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/5/2024
HEB2024.06 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/6/2024
HEB2024.07 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/7/2024
HEB2024.08 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/8/2024
HEB2024.09 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/9/2024
HEB2024.10 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/10/2024
HEB2024.11 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/11/2024
HEB2024.12 Single pronuclear embryo. 1/12/2024
List of Questions asked for QA Scheme:Pronuclear Assessment-2018
ID Question Question Format
401 Cytoplasmic Inclusions Defined Options
209 Define the pronuclear grade using Scotts Definition [HR-15(11);2394-2403). Defined Options
392 Halo effect Defined Options
389 How many pronuclei are there? Defined Options
390 Juxtaposition of pronuclei Defined Options
400 Nucleoli Location Defined Options
398 Nucleoli Number Comparison Defined Options
396 Nucleoli Number in PN#1 ( on left) Defined Options
397 Nucleoli Number in PN#2 ( on right) Defined Options
399 Nucleoli Size Defined Options
395 Nucleoli Synchrony Defined Options
391 Size of pronuclei Defined Options
693 What is the ESHRE/Alpha Pronuclei Category Defined Options
394 What is the pronuclear score for this zygote? Calculation Outcome
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